
Kotor 2 korriban sealed door
Kotor 2 korriban sealed door

kotor 2 korriban sealed door

While playing the game, hold Black or White on controller four to increase or decrease the pitch and speed of the voice dialogue. You are now able to access the Cheat Node.

kotor 2 korriban sealed door

You are now in conversation mode with a Ubese who is behind the wall in the room with the exit. If done correctly, your targeting reticule will turn blue and select the wall for a moment. Immediately after you defeat the last Ubese, move your character to the wall directly opposite of the door and keep moving towards it. Upon entering this room, defeat the three Ubese. There is another door directly ahead of this where the Node is located. Go through the door that leads out of the pit, after defeating the Ubese, then take the left-most door. To access the Cheat Node, climb out of the pit after defeating your opponent (Mira or Hanharr). Some of them can skip you ahead in the area, such as "Skip to final sequence", while others seemingly do nothing, such as "Delete Mira". Much like the Galaxy Droid from the original Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic, there are interesting features in this hidden menu. The Cheat Node is a menu that can be accessed in the back rooms of the Jekk'Jekk Tar tunnels.

Kotor 2 korriban sealed door